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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a piece of an interview - possibility of black children

I haven't posted any interesting pieces of interview lately. I have just been complaining lol. so here ya go!! I find it interesting that this woman specifically brought up Blackness to her niece in case she marries and has kids that come out Black or brown at the least. What is most interesting to me is the underlying assumption that her husband will NOT be Black. She warns that she has to put in her husband's head that the kids might turn out Black... which would be a moot issue if the man himself was any shade of brown, right? By declaring her niece white, with latent genetic blackness, and explaining the possible colors of her future children, this particular interviewee assumes that her white niece with black in her veins will marry a non-Black man. Why? It also assumes that this man would not meet her Black family!

"I have a niece that if you see her you won't believe it (that she is my niece) and here I have no photo. I call her the "chola" of the family. (giggling). She is white. White and has straight hair. She is older now. Before she grew up, I always told her, in your veins runs black blood. And she would say, Auntie what do you mean by that? The day you decide to marry and have children you have to put husband's head that you can have black children. Not that you were unfaithful."

Yo tengo una sobrina que si usted la ve no lo cree y aquí yo no tengo foto.  Yo le digo la chola de la familia (giggling). Si, es blanca.  Blanca y tiene el pelo lacio que ahora que ella está grande.  Antes que ella creciera, siempre le digo en tus venas corren sangre negra.  Tía qué quiere decir? Que el día que tú decidas casarte y tener hijos tienes que meterle a tu esposo en la cabeza de que tú puedes tener hijos negros.  No es que le fuiste infiel. 

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