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Thursday, April 8, 2010

DUKE! what else?

It is amusing how many "Duke sucks!", "I hate Duke", "Duke got lucky" messages I received not only during the NCAA tournament, but also after our win against Butler. It was a good game. But as I told my brother, Duke didn't get lucky. Butler was lucky they still had a chance in the last seconds. That is something NO other tournament opponent can say.  We convincingly beat teams all the experts said were better than we were (Baylor, West Virginia).

This Duke team is probably one of the most humble in my memory. I am so proud of what they have accomplished. Nolan Smith won a title in the same city as his late father. Andre Dawkins bounces back this season after his sister was killed in a car accident in December on her way to see him play.
On any other team, these would be reasons to support. But not Duke. People would rather talk crap. Newspapers would rather depict Coach K as the devil and all but call Duke a racist school.

That Duke is an "elite white school" is laughable in this day and age as a reason to hate Duke basketball.  (I am not even getting into the sad complexities that America feels more comfortable with a sports team of majority black people). To be clear, I am not interested in convincing anyone to support my school. If people want to hate Duke basketball for what we are not, because our mascot is a blue devil (?seriously?!), for what media perceive the school to be, or for no reason at all, just remember:

We have never had a scandal. We have never had to give back any money or titles. Our coach is so good he brought prestige back to the Olympic team. College basketball is full of ups and downs, and Duke's ability to remain among the best 64 teams in the nation year after year is noteworthy. (congrats, UNC on placing running up in the NIT. You are #66 in the country....)

I was SO EXCITED when we won and I plan to coerce one of my undergrad friends to buy me a t shirt. One of my freshman dorm mates tagged me in this picture. I LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and love the Nike ad! Thanks for sticking up for our alma mater!
