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Monday, April 19, 2010

Hard. in solidarity

Last month I received an email on my mellon (Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship) listserv. One of my fellow Mellons was uninvited to perform her work (at a Mellon meeting!) because some her work could potentially make the "conservative" meeting attendees uncomfortable.  For some reason, her poem was in my head today. In solidarity, I am posting it below.

by Rosamond S. King

I just wrote a poem that changed my 
is not hard
so I cannot listen to the white girl who says college
is hard
is easy
watching your brother necklaced 
is hard
erasing your 3yearold self
so you do not see your father’s thing 
is hard
I am appalled at how I hear this girl’s words
and even reply while ignoring her, dismissing her
but it’s not 
passing the exam will be difficult
graduating ivy league will be challenging
fighting a revolution when you’re 13 
is hard
being Black 
is exhausting
being Latina 
is fatiguing
being Native American 
is wearisome
being Asian 
is laborious
being raped by 17 soldiers 
is hard
dying alone 
is hard
choosing where to eat 
is perplexing
meeting your ex-lover 
is awkward
deciding what to wear 
is complex
getting up in the morning takes effort
is reflex

life is hard

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